In 2022, Interpartners turned 30, and this year our PR brand Interimage turned 15 – which makes us perhaps the only Bulgarian, independent communications group with such a long upward market development, or in other words, RESISTANT against the backdrop of unstoppable changes and vicissitudes.
But yes, we manage to be sustainable: since more than 80% of our new projects come on the recommendation of satisfied clients and partners. It is resilience to build a team of people, each of whom can work independently and without a “second glance”. Sustainability is to have employees from the very beginning of the company, but also to train and give wings to a young generation of professionals!
The fuel for our way forward has been an honest and in-depth analysis of the campaigns we've experienced, which motivates us to turn upside down our clients' briefs and not be afraid to commit to results! Which, once achieved, make our partners come back.
Here's how we, a #dreamteam, see the communications landscape today in a nutshell.
Trend # 1: Tomorrow starts today: speed
Layering, gradation, step by step – it's very likely that we can't afford all this today. The speed of living and working is hectic. So when we launched the new face of Lilly Drogerie, communication took place at high speed. We based our narrative on the experiences of "Lily in the Land of Beauty" following the imagery and symbolism of the classic "Alice in Wonderland" in contrast to ephemeral infatuations and fashion trends. We created the image of the girl who discovers and models herself and the world – and in less than a month we were one hundred percent "on the air" with a magical TV clip, a live event for influencers, digitally developed messages and conceptual printed material.

Trend # 2: Perpetuum mobile for meaning
The best campaigns are those that go beyond and outlast their goals and are self-sustaining. When we created the internal communication of Schwarz IT Bulgaria around the Full of Meaning concept, we opened new paths to meaning for the people of Schwarz, who embraced inspiring causes for the benefit of society. And in turn, society responded with gratitude. So we mastered Schwarz's communication into a happy perpetuum mobile for the generation of meaning.

Trend # 3: Target people
The target groups are disintegrating – they are getting smaller and smaller, and the fragmentation continues. That's why we help the Dutch cosmetics company Royal Van Son to typify the colourful personalities of its customers for a maximized individual brand experience. The exercise resembles the archetypes of Carl Jung and other researchers, but this has gained increasing relevance in a world where the consumer is less and less a mass or a group, but rather a conscious and vulnerable ego that requires a personal message.

Trend # 4: Transformation is a need and… a celebration
As a communications group with a 30-year history, we have been working for 13 years on the communication of the Belgian Days in Bulgaria organized by our partners from the Belgium-Bulgaria-Luxembourg Business Club. Together over the years, we have transformed a pleasant but mainly culinary event into a dialogue on the mission of Belgian business in Bulgaria and its real footprint on Bulgarian society. Transformation also shows in the title of this year's edition – The Spirit of Diversity.

Trend # 5: The boldness to listen to your intuition
DEVIN’s "Fountains for the Future" campaign contained a seemingly revolutionary proposal: we suggested to a company producing bottled water to finance the renovation of public fountains that make natural water accessible to everyone, free. Together with Devin, we dared to act without scruples and this so nice campaign, which restores the connection of people with nature and traditions, has naturally become one of the most awarded communications campaigns for 2022 in Bulgaria.

We promise that we will continue to create and/or monitor trends in communication as it gets more and more layered. The top layer, its "face", invariably remains the impressive, organic CREATIVITY without pretence and falsehood. Below it is an in-depth analysis of the sector in which the client operates, as well as his competitors, underlying risks and opportunities. Finally, even deeper is the core – the business model placed in a context of comparison not only with Bulgarian identical businesses, but also with the best global practices.
Katya Dimitrova